A contact's profile data. Profiles are user-defined data structures that can contain many different types of data. There are two types of Profile - Single and Multiple. The Single profile type can contain any number of fields, but only a single value for each field (i.e. 1 row in a table). The Multiple profile type can contain many entries (i.e. many rows in a table).

Name Type Description Required
ContactId Int32 This is the Contact Id of the associated Contact. This is required when adding or updating an existing Contact's profile. No
ProfileSectionTitle String The name/title of the Profile/Profile Section. Yes
ProfileSectionFormat ProfileSectionFormat The format of the Profile/Profile Section. Single is 1 and Multiple is 2. Yes
Rows List<ProfileRow> The actual Profile data. A Single Profile will only consist of a single row; Multiple Profiles may have more. No
Url Actions Description
api/profile/{profileSectionTitle}/{id} GET Returns the specified Profile Details for a contact.
api/profile POST Adds or updates the specified Profile Details.